ManIKitchen has Teas go along with any of your movements during your day. Busy morning to relaxing night, ManiKitchen Teas give you memorable adventure. More than 120 Teas to choose from..
Start Your Wealthy Life with Healthy ManiKitchen Teas.
Traditional or Blended Black Teas: Tends to contain the most caffeine of all teas. If you are going to drink a caffeinated beverage, drink this in the morning as caffeine will peak within 30 to 60 minutes but has a half- life of 3 to 5 hours.
Chocolate Teas also best with milk, especially in the morning.
White Teas: Delicate with antioxidants. Light aromatic quality with subtle and sweet taste.
After Lunch–
Peppermint, Ginger, Pu-erh are best after lunch: These teas give you powerful digestive and health benefits after lunch.
Green Teas are the good option for the Mid-afternoon. Also, Earl Grey, Micro Blended, Oolong teas and chocolate teas are on other hand. May be mid-afternoon is the best chance for you to socialize and have a snack go along with your favorite ManiKitchen Teas. Or enjoy your free time. Those teas contain caffeine, that will give you a little energy boost.
Fruit Teas are a great option to drink with dinner or right after. Delicious fruity taste gives you more interesting dinning experience.
Before Bed–
Chamomile, Sleep, Calming Teas are famous for its calming effects. It works as a natural sleeping aid because of the antioxidant called apioenin.
Enjoy your day with ManiKitchen Teas!